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Frequently asked questions
We're here to help! Contact us if you have any questions that we haven't answered here.

What does an initial visit at RYZR Rehab look like?

Our initial visits are around 60 minutes in duration. This longer period of treatment allows us to get your full story and leaves you with an opportunity to address and go over everything in full detail. We don’t rush these sessions, as it’s vital to understand you and your condition.

A majority of the visit will be comprised of talking through your history with your current complaint, answering any questions you may have, and leaving you with a good understanding of what’s going on in your body.

A physical exam will be done after the consult, usually consisting of finding movements or activities that provoke the complaint, as well as ones that are tolerable to help establish a baseline moving forward with rehab design. Given the complaint or condition, further examination and physical testing may be done.

Once the physical exam is completed, you and your provider will discuss a plan of treatment options moving forward in your recovery.

Treatment to some capacity will be administered during the visit as well.

(Because of the nature of the physical exam, please dress in comfortable athletic clothing that allow for free movement.)

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EVO Training Center + Vali Athlete

<p>EVO Training Center + Vali Athlete</p>

If you're looking to join a gym and continue on in your healthy lifestyle, we recommend Evo Training Center. Located in North Logan City, Evo is a quality gym with a strong sense of community. Mention RYZR rehab when you sign up and get a discounted rate.


Vali Athlete is designed to train youth who are serious about their sport and wanting to pursue a future in it. Founder by collegiate athletes, they work hard to ensure that their athletes are top tier. We recommend all competitive teenagers to check them out.


Areas Serviced

We serve client in: North Logan, Utah; Hyde Park, Utah; Smithfield, Utah; Providence, Utah; Cache Valley, Utah; Franklin, Idaho; Preston, Idaho; Tremonton, Utah; Brigham City, Utah & Benson, Utah